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Our Legacy

A journey of faith and love

In 1986, Fr. Jack and Sr. Peggy began a project which has been a miracle for many. Together they have created one of the most remarkable and praiseworthy stories in the history of Chimbote.  Thanks to their initiative thousands of poor people now have new opportunites to fulfill their dreams.


But there was so much poverty and so many needs to be met that it was no longer possible to continue alone, and so in 2006 a non-profit organization was formed to work for the good of society, known today as ACAF.


To fulfill its mission, four areas of action were created: Social, Health, Education and Transformation. These areas ensure the comprehensive transformation of the beneficiaries.


And today, after many years, ACAF is a solid, reliable association thanks to the efforts of Fr. Jack and Sr. Peggy, who laid the cornerstone of this loving mission, responding to the call to serve their neighbors in Christ.

"The simple commandment to love has taught us to change history"
Jack Davis
Peggy Byrne

  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself   

Luke 10:27: 27

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